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Maybe living longer isn’t your primary goal, but we’re a 100% sure peak performance is! We’re here to help you achieve both, with products and programs designed to help you make the most of your time here


From Fighting Inflammation to Thriving in Longevity and Performance

Inflammation—it’s something we all recognize as a symptom, but did you know it’s also a root cause of many diseases?

That’s where Gataca comes in. What started as a mission to combat chronic inflammation has evolved into a holistic approach: not just helping you perform better but also live longer.

Inflammation Isn’t Always the Villain

Inflammation itself isn’t bad. In fact, it’s your body’s way of healing. When you get injured, inflammation kicks in to repair the damage. The redness, heat, swelling, and pain? That’s your body rallying the troops—releasing chemicals to rebuild tissue and get you back to normal.

But when inflammation overstays its welcome, it becomes a problem. Chronic inflammation, often driven by habits, lifestyle, or genetics, is anything but helpful. It’s the underlying culprit behind well-known conditions like arthritis and psoriasis, as well as less familiar ones like myositis and gout.

When your body is constantly in “fix mode,” it leads to long-term consequences—what we call inflammaging.

Who we are

At Gataca, we are committed to empowering individuals across India to lead a healthier, performance focused, and a longer life. 

To achieve this each of our products are meticulously researched, sourced and tested, to rejuvenate, energize, and support your journey toward a healthier, longer life.

Pillars of Peak Performance

Sustainable Energy and Recovery

Maintain energy levels and recover quickly for sustained performance.